Welcome to Folk Learn!

The NEW Edmonton Folk Festival Online Learning Site

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Learn from anywhere, anytime!

This online learning system will replace a number of in-person training sessions, making your pre-fest preparations for Folk Fest that much easier.

We hope you enjoy this new learning experience as an Edmonton Folk Festival volunteer!

Folk Learn FAQ's

This interactive learning management platform was the brainchild of our festival colleagues at Fringe Theatre in Edmonton and was funded by the Canada Council for the Arts. Their vision was to support training and orientation efforts that prepare folks for Festivals like ours, and we are thrilled to be the very first partners to use their system. Online delivery allows our learners to access this training independently, in advance, from any location.

While many of the courses on Folk Learn are specifically for Edmonton Folk Music Festival participants, it was also a goal of Fringe Theatre to create courses that are universally relevant to arts organizations everywhere. Their funding allowed them to hire subject matter and training experts to develop these courses, using their own artistic medium to teach through storytelling. We are grateful to be able to offer the first of these courses to you, Creating a Consent Culture.

Folk Learn allows Edmonton Folk Music Festival volunteers to get prepared for the festival before they arrive on site. Courses cover a wide variety of topics and are available for:

All volunteers

  • New Volunteer Orientation
  • Creating a Consent Culture

It’s pretty simple! Here’s what you need:

  • A device. Desktop, laptop, tablet, or smartphone are all ok!
  • A stable internet connection.
  • Headphones are optional – some courses include audio and video.
  • Can’t find a long enough window of time? Not to worry! If you need to leave the course partway through, your progress will be saved and you can pick up where you left off.
  • Anything else that sets you up for a comfortable learning experience.

More from Edmonton Folk Festival

Need more Folk Fest info? Click here to go our website for the performer lineup, tickets, and more!